Thursday 10 October 2013

The Beginning

Introductions first. As you can tell from the About Me section my name is Amanda Bruce and I've recently started Game Art Design at De Montfort University.

I come from a fine art background, so from doing Fine Art for A Level to using 3ds Max has been a big step up for me. This has come with its upsides and downsides. Using a new software for pretty much the first time is obviously difficult, but being 3ds max its temperamental  nature makes it even more frustrating. However as I'm getting used to using it and navigating around the interface it's becoming more fun (not sure how long that's going to last)

Going back to fine art, the drawing sessions, outdoors aswell as the life drawing are very interesting and I'm already learning new techniques which I was never taught. Having said this I can see my work improving with each session which is amazing. 

It's going to be a stressful and busy 3 years full of lots of tears over drawings, modelling, unwrapping and texturing not to mention the unbearable heat in the computer labs and life drawing room, but it's all going to be worth it. 

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