Thursday 13 February 2014

Then and now..

This post is a short presentation of some old work and my development since starting Game Art Design at university.

The first photo set is my work from A Level Fine Art. 

As oil paintings I can't compare them with any paintings from university work as we have not yet started painting. However we have been using colour which is relevent as I feel that I have learnt how to correctly use colours together to create an interesting composition. 

These studies have helped me understand colours that compliment and colours that contrast and how to use them correctly. This is something that I didn't use in the first two paintings which are from my earlier work. 

My earlier work in charcoal which I've shown here isn't very good in my opinion and could be refined a lot more. When comparing it to my charcoal work now I feel as if I have improved a lot as I can control the media a lot more effectively and create accurate drawings with it. 

This is just a small update on my artistic development since starting university. I will upload more to show more of my improvements throughout the year. 

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