Friday 18 April 2014

Fable III: Art Direction

So for Critical Studies we were set to make a presentation on art direction. This could be based on a film, video game still, concept art or painting. I chose to make mine on Fable 3,the third installment of the Fable series as it's one of my favourite games. 

To narrow this down more I chose one specific concept art for the game which is below. 

This concept piece painted by Emrah Emasli presents a part of the game set in the unforgiving desert wasteland of the game's world. This painting creates a view of the desert as vast and neverending which really puts the player in the character's shoes. Showing the scale of the character in the bottom left represents the challenge the character faces on their journey through this part of the game trekking through a desert and facing many enemies along the way.

When viewing the concept piece against this in game still we can see direct similarities. The jagged rocks pushing out and up from the sand in the concept painting can be seen used in the game in this image. These rocks really show the hazardous nature of the desert as the player faces many dangers as they progress through this part of the game.
The colour is however quite different but as seen from the shadows in the game still this is because of the realtime change in the time. In the concept the sun is bright and still quite high in the sky so shadows are not as prominent, in the game still the shadows are long and dark showing the just set sun and the change into evening. 

All in all I think this concept is translated well into the actual game and presents the story of the game accurately. 

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