This project has been difficult in some ways and easier in others. I personally am not a fan of designing and making characters as I find it hard and I’m more interested in making environments and assets. This is the reason I found this project quite difficult, however I think overall the characters turned out ok.
Here are some final renders of both characters although I focused more on the gorilla so it's a bit more worked into than the other one.
I think my time management could still be improved, I managed my time pretty well however having a written management system like a waterfall one would help me much more as I would be able to see what I’m meant to be doing and when.
I also know I could improve the uv layouts and spent more time trying to pack it efficiently, the only reason it’s not is because I wanted to get that part over as soon as possible so I could finish in time.
I think due to the extension I could have pushed the final outcome a bit more and maybe added more detail and just have made it more aesthetically pleasing, I have to say I think due to the extension my process of working definitely slowed down which is down to me and something I should change.
I think as a stretch goal I’d like to go back and animate the gorilla character as that would be more interesting as really show it off. It's already rigged so I don't think it would take too long to make a simple key frame animation.
I also know I rushed the textures of both characters however the hippo was horrifyingly basic and not up to standard so I would go back and put more detail into them and spend more time on it if we were to ever return to this project.
Personally I'm not very pleased about the final outcome and after feedback from Mike and Emma this Thursday over the Christmas holidays I want to go back to one of my original ideas where the hippo was a pope and model it as the hippo character was rushed and the mesh was bad.
I also preferred my initial idea in the end and I wish I hadn't changed it but I now have some time to make the character so I don't think that it's too much of a problem.
Even though with the end of term deadline making this week pretty stressful it's not been a bad week. Life drawing was really good this week! With only four of us for the session there was a really relaxed atmosphere and I was able to chill out and do some drawings that were less rushed and more like the sort of drawings I would do in my personal work which was a nice change.
2 min studies |
Hand and feet studies |
Focusing on the hands and feet with figure. |