Sunday 21 December 2014

No Rest For The Wicked

Sadly this week I don't really have anything to put on here art wise or in terms of 3d work (insert sad face emoji)

The reason behind this is because I've been working, earning money very slowly so I can actually pay rent in January and so I can buy people Christmas presents. So it's safe to say I've had no time as today has been my only day off.

Also I had planned to do some painting over the holidays but low and behold I have gone and lost my oil paints. Woe is me. So once I have money it's off to the art store to buy some as I want to do some nice studies if I still have time.

My 3d has been lacking mainly because my laptop ancient and doesn't like to run 3ds max without going at a snails pace or just crashing. 

I have however done some quick studies in the little free time I've had. 

Saying all that, just a few more shifts at work and it's Christmas! Yay two days off and lots of yummy food and drinks!!
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and eat lots! 

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