On review of the sentry gun project as a whole I found it
very fun and interesting! I decided to do something I don’t usually do, which
made the project way more interesting and the ice cream concept made it super
Speaking of the concept, I’m really glad I chose to do a fun
and different idea, as I usually would have done something very generic and I
feel like this idea is much more original.
If I could improve anything on this project I would like to
go back and re-paint all my textures as I feel like they’re not quite right or
good enough. I’m pleased with how they look on the model in the Unreal Engine
but I definitely feel like I could improve them if I spent more time on them.
If I were to go back to this project I would spend way more time in ZBrush
sculpting the umbrella and learning the process of baking more in depth. I find
baking as a process very confusing and I had a hard time grasping how everything
worked however I think with experience I would eventually understand it a lot
more, so I think I’ll do it more in the future for practice. I found my sculpt wasn’t
very good in the first place and the normals that I made from baking didn’t
show through much on the final model in engine which was disappointing, so I
would re-do all of that if I were to go back and work on the project some more.
I would also like to add some particle effects that were
more fitting for the ice cream cart, like some blob of ice cream that shoot out
when the ice cream is shot too. However I found out that after Christmas we
will be revisiting this project and learning how to make particle effects so I’ll
most likely do this at that point.
We also had to make posters to advertise our sentry guns to tie the whole project together. I based mine on a Walls advertising poster I saw online which had a really smart advertising campaign and just added my sentry gun into the poster.
As I progress through my second year I try my best on every project to try and
push the boundaries and try make something as original as I can. This has
definitely come from my tutors and peers showing awesome work that inspires me
but not only that, it’s the drive I have in me to really push to get a great
degree and an awesome job.
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