Sunday 2 November 2014

Sentry Guns and Ice Cream???

After a very brief post- mortem of the last project, I started the new project: the sentry gun!
Basically we have to design and make a sentry gun and it can be pretty much anything we want which is such a nice change not to mention awesome! Thankfully the animation of the sentry guns' movement was done for us. It looked confusing and I don't think I'm ready for that.

To start this project I first made a load of moodboards of pretty much anything and everything that inspired me. Some of these have sci-fi sentry guns, machinery, nature and ice cream? That last one might sound weird but trust me it makes sense.

Following moodboards I took Mike Kelly's advice from one of our lessons to make a quick bash kit of silhouettes that are interesting. 

Using the bash kit I then made some quick silhouettes of general sentry guns, however I didn't like any of these so I found a new direction and went with it. I had decided to look into making something that's kinda fun and maybe a bit weird so I made some silhouettes for that too. 

Looking at the silhouettes I had made, I narrowed it down to an idea that I liked which was the ice cream cart. I then took the silhouettes I liked and iterated each one

After iterating I then narrowed the choice down and iterated both silhouettes further and picked this one: 

My next step in this process was to do some concepts so firstly I did a greyscale paintover to show each part of the cart. I also made a perspective view concept testing out a colour palette.

This colour palette I actually picked from some images of ice cream as I not only wanted it to be very colourful but it also ties in really well with the ice cream theme. I've made some more colour palettes, I like all of them so I'm not sure which one I want to use yet.

Next I'm going to draw up some orthographics. And then obviously moving onto 3d modelling. 

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