I’ve made concepts for each section I have designed trying my best to make it look good and stick to the style. These are the concepts at their current stage they're all nearly finished.
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At this part of the level the player has to jump on the tree branches and travel through the hole in the tree to the next area. |
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In this section the camera will zoom in on the fountain as the player has to jump over the lily pads to get past the fountain. |
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This is the canal area and the player has to cross over this canal. There will be punts that can be used to jump on to cross. |
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Entrance to the rabbit hole |
We’ve all made basic asset lists, I plan to make mine more in depth and make sure I haven’t forgotten anything at the weekend. However my current asset list is useful to me and contains everything I can think of for now. Making asset lists makes it easier for us to see what every section needs in terms of assets and it helps us assign work to everyone so the workload is more manageable. So far looking at the all the asset lists it doesn’t seem too bad in terms of workload as we still have 6 weeks left although saying that I think we should be planning to have all the modelling done in the next week or so.
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My current asset list. |
After creating my asset list I started on modelling. Firstly
with “The Danby Gateway” which is probably the largest model in my parts of the
level. I made it to the reference image I had but I also made iterations on the
design as it should look wacky and stylised.
Here are some iterations I have made.
These iterations are still in their basic structure and will be iterated more and polished up. I will show my group on these iterations and we can decide the final model as a group.
I've also started modelling the some main assets for the other areas in my part of the level. They are very basic at the moment as I only started by the end of the week.
These models are pretty basic at the moment as I only started modelling at the end of the week, I plan to get a lot more modelling done next week. Hopefully the modelling will be done this time next week which is what I'm aiming for.