Sunday, 15 February 2015

Week Two of OTM

For this week the brief has a vague outline of what we should have done and should be doing, each week we're trying to keep to this plan so we stay on top of work. 

Week 20:             First pass project plan

                            Must have, could have, Should have lists

                            Assign times to list                            Assign times to tasks
                            Work out dependencies to create a timeline.

                            White box level

                            Set up in engine

                            Test and iterate on level design

                            Concept characters (rough)

                            Choose key images/style guide

As it’s the second week on this project we’ve finished the block out and now have a finalised white box. The white box level still needs some work but thanks to engine people aka Jennifer, Callum and Johannes the puzzles that we have decided on using in the level are pretty much all working. I think there are still some problems with the puzzle I came up with which is to be expected as it is quite complicated. 

We’ve all been working on our assigned areas to concept, keeping to the style guide which Imogen created. Last week we thought we wanted to go from realistic to stylised and trippy as the level progresses, however after talking to Chris and Steve we decided on keeping it stylised so we chose a style and we’re sticking with it.

Personally I find the style hard to paint for concepts as it’s very different from my style and it’s very blocky and angular.
It’s been a busy week and I’ve finalised my concepts keeping as close to the style guide as possible, by colour picking off the colour palette and trying to block shapes for the environments.

These are the first iterations of my concepts, in their most basic stage. 

Next week I will continue to work on my concepts and hopefully make them more like the style we have chosen so we keep to the same style. 

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