Overall our final Container City looked a lot better than I had thought it would. Due to all the hard work put into it the level worked really well, compared to other levels it had very little bugs or problems due to gameplay.
The level was also very interesting to play once it had all come together for the final product. The music that was picked also created suspense which matched the environment we had made making it not only suspenseful but exciting and fast paced.
As a fairly large level, especially to begin with, it was a bit of a rush to get it done and working. However as we had cut it down to a smaller level than before we were confident we could finish it in time which we did. I’m very proud of my group for getting it all done and working pretty well together.
I think as a group we worked fairly well together however there were a few communication problems which if we were to do the project again or go back to it we would try to communicate more and work together as a group in the labs more often.
Personally if I was to do this project again I would try plan a bit better and make a proper project plan so we would be able to keep on task and on time as for the majority of this project we were behind on most weeks.
I definitely could have contributed more for this project however I was ill for the last week or two which meant it was difficult to do a large portion of work I managed to come in everyday though and get a bit of work done. Thankfully as my group were super nice and understanding they helped me out and were patient with me.
The work I managed to do was ok, not my best work by far however I think it worked for the final level and the project in general so it’s alright for now. I still really need to work on concepts as my digital skills aren’t to the standard I want but I think I’m getting there slowly.
As an overview here are some of the concepts and work I did for this project.
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