Sunday 19 October 2014

Model Making and Some Pegs

For the Film Room Project we had to make a physical model for of the room that we had chosen. So a week or so ago we had a lesson with Jack who showed us his architectural work which had some physical models included. After seeing these it gave us an idea of what we had to do in the couple of weeks that followed.

To start off the model, first we had to buy some materials. We went into town and to the art shop to get some ‘kappa board’ which is the material Jack had suggested we used, we also got some card.

First off we had to scale the 3d scene to the size we wanted to make it as a physical model, personally I found this confusing but that might just be because I’m not very good at maths. However we got all the scaled measurements done in one lesson and had started to cut out the shapes of the main exterior walls.

Next we decided to meet up at Luke’s and work on the model for a bit more as we had only just started it and we wanted it done pretty quickly so we could focus on our 3d work.
When we met up we had all the walls cut out and finished already, so we made a start on fixing the walls to the base we’d set up. We did this using pins so we could dismantle it really easily and reassemble it quickly.

For the rest of the time we had together for that night we managed to make most of the assets to go into the room. Some of them had to be redone as they weren't the correct scale and fit into the scene properly. So after meeting up we had done most of the model and just had some little things to finish the week after.

On Friday’s lesson this week we had to finish of the model. During this lesson we realised some of the assets needed re making and we had actually missed a few things like the ceiling light, the banisters for the stairs and the window at the back of the scene. So we all had something we needed to be doing, I had to re make the French horn case as it had gone missing at some point and we couldn't find it, I also helped make some of the banisters. Whilst Mark got to added the larger bottom step to the stairs and adding some detail to the window. Georgia had made the ceiling light ingeniously using some tin foil for the circular lamps.

So this Friday we got the model finished! And in my opinion it looks pretty decent. The only thing left to do now is to give it some proper lighting like it is in the real scene, which we’ll hopefully be able to do next week. 

And as a treat for reading through this here's a nice little picture of Luke and Mark being super productive! 

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