Saturday 11 October 2014

Film Room Fun!

So week one/two brought about the next project; The Film Room.
We had to pick a screencap from a film which we would then create as a static 3d scene, this was also another group project. 

The film could be practically anything we wanted, but of course we were encouraged to be original and go for something that we maybe wouldn't automatically look at. This in fact made the project more interesting in some aspects because I found that it broadened my ideas and I watched some films that I would have never picked on my own.

First off on this project the whole group created moodboards of scenes we liked from different films. We shared these with eachother and reviewed them a bit, narrowing the list down to more of a top 5-6. Here are some moodboards I created. 

After this we were told we had to present our moodboards and ideas in our Critical Studies seminar class, in this class we got feedback from a selection of tutors which helped us to refine our choice down to maybe 2 or 3 possibilities. After this feedback as a group we had some deliberation between doing the attic scene from Sweeny Todd or the staircase room from Moonrise Kingdom, as both of these scenes received positive feedback from the tutors.
These are the two screencaps we were deciding from. We were told not to model characters into the scene as that isn't the purpose of the project, so we would take them out. 

We had pretty much decided on the scene from Moonrise Kingdom so we all went off and did some different studies of the screencap.
This included some concepts of the room in different shots, colour palettes, thumbnails and some paint overs. 
Georgia had done some awesome concepts of the room and assets that we needed to make in the room which are shown below.

Georgia's concepts 

 While Lucy had created a white box of the staircase and surrounding assets, whilst I had done a really quick and simple block out just by doing a paintover.

Lucy's white boxes

My quick paintover and colour pallete

The next week we were starting on 3d modelling the assets. To do this we had to have the main room built in 3d to scale and with the correct perspective. We were taught how to do this in our Game Production lesson of that week.
Mark had done a great job in creating the room scene in 3d which was important as we all needed it to be accurate so we could have each asset scaled and look correct in the scene. As the brief is to replicate the scene 100% accurately, this was a very necessary step and it was completed to an awesome standard in my opinion.

During this week we had another session in our Critical Studies seminar when we had to present our final idea and the work we had done so far to the tutors. Thankfully ours had the word of approval and we were able to carry on with it. Seeing as most of us had already started to model the assets this was great news! 
So following this session we had started a project plan of what each person was modelling and their budget for the asset, we made a spreadsheet to plan this effectively. 

So following the spreadsheet I was to model the chandelier, french horn case, vase and the storage/basket furniture. I started off by doing some quick sketchy concepts of each object I was set to model.

I'm now onto modelling and I should be finished by the end of the weekend and definitely Monday. 

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