Friday, 20 March 2015

Long Post Is Long (sorry)

This is the last week before Easter break and man am I thankful. We’ve all been working really hard on the Off the Map project and when I say that I don’t only mean my group but every other group on the course, everyone really does try their best and it actually kinda inspires me to work harder as well.

For my group this week has been all about getting all the built assets into the level so it finally doesn’t just look like a whitebox anymore. I actually think we’re getting there. Sections of the level are almost complete and it’s filling out nicely.
I’ve built, unwrapped and finished texturing all my assets and I think they’re in the level at the current moment. After the Easter break I think it’ll be good to get everyone around the level and each tweak the sections we’ve concepted so we stick as close to the concepts as possible.

So there you have it. We’re definitely on the right track and after Easter we still have a decent amount of time for tweaking models, textures and fixing any errors that occur.

As for Easter break; I’m spending the first few days of it in Wales with my girlfriend which will be a well needed break from work and stress. The rest of Easter I’ll spend working on the essay for critical studies and also re-doing one of my projects, which I will explain in a moment.

We finally had a review from the tutors this week and its been much needed. For awhile now I’ve been feeling quite lost in terms of the course and how I feel about it not to mention picking a career. Theres no easy or simple way to put it other than the course has been effecting my mental health but I’m definitely on top of it at this point. After years of working at it I have found ways on coping with stress (which I get a lot of on this course) and I can manage.

However I had my review on the Monday of this week with Mike Powell which I’m happy with. It went fairly well, I’m into 3rd year which is always good and I’m on course to get a 2:1. Mike read me through how I’ve done over the year looking at the Dichotomy Character project and the Container City project. I didn’t do too well in Container City which was expected because I found that project pretty hard and stressful, on the other hand my character project went really well and overall I’m in the high 50s low 60s boundary. I’m kinda pissed that the Sentry Gun project wasn’t marked because not only was that my favourite project and by my opinion my best work, it was fun.

I had discussed my work with Mike and he said I didn’t need to re-do any work but I could if I wanted to gain a few marks and boost up my grade a little. So I chose to work on my character project a little more as I wasn’t totally happy with the final outcome. The gorilla character was the strongest of the two and I plan on only adjusting the textures as Mike suggested, but the hippo had fallen behind and so I chose to re model the entire character and really get it up to the standard of my other character. I also decided to go back to my original idea of a scientist gorilla and a pope hippo or “Hippope” as it has been called.

That’s this week in a nutshell, sorry its been a lengthy post. My next post will be an action plan and some more insight into what I’ve learnt from my review and how I’ll act upon it.

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