Friday, 13 March 2015

Stress and Textures: The Best Things in Life

This week I’ve been texturing, oh joy. Saying that it hasn’t actually been too bad. As our textures are basically block colour and just colour picked from our style guide and colour palette it isn’t as time consuming as it usually is.
I’ve been keeping to my personal time plan and I’ve managed to finish texturing by the end of the week which was my plan, so I’m pretty proud of myself for that.

Here are some of my texture sheets to show you how we are actually texturing. As you can see it’s mainly block colour. On a few of the rabbit hole assets with furniture I’ve added some more detail as it wasn’t coming across well just as block colour. 

For the furniture assets above I've added a bit more detail to show the grain of the wood as block colour wasn't working that well. Below are the main foliage assets which generally populate some of my outdoor areas. Its fairly simple but effective. 

As I’ve been making my texture sheets I’ve been checking how they look in Unreal so I have a vague idea of what it will look like in the final game level, other than added mood lighting which shouldn’t affect the model too much. As I’ve been checking in engine I can see where the textures need to be adjusted as I found some of the colours I used on the gateway looked odd in Unreal so I edited it and made it look more appealing in engine.

I’ve only managed to check a few assets in Unreal so far but I plan to review all the assets I’ve made and make adjustments if necessary. This is not only for my own piece of mind but it makes it easier for the engine artists as they won’t have to put all the assets in and check for me and ask me to change things.

Here are some of the assets I’ve been checking in Unreal so far. I’m quite pleased with how these look so far however I may still make some adjustments.

I'm happy that I got the textures finished this week as it means I'm working to my time plan.
But recently I’ve been finding working on this project hard as it’s difficult to be motivated on something you don’t really want to do. However I’ve been plodding along working on my assigned areas and the assets to populate it so I think I’m doing alright. 

Today we also had a lecture on the essay we have to write which counts for 30% of our critical studies grade. The essay is a reflection on the career we want and on the year so far. The word count is 2500 words which I think is acceptable and manageable. I'm not too worried about the essay as I did a lot of essay writing for A Levels and did pretty well. The only thing worrying me is the time we have to write it, 3 weeks during Easter is basically all we have. This is kind of problematic as we're still working on the Off the Map project and it takes up a lot of time and effort so I will have to manage my time more effectively and make time to sit down and write this essay. 

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